Cowan Court
Award-winning extra care home for dementia sufferers.
The overall development comprises of 30 family homes for social rent, including two homes with special needs adaptations, a 4 person 4 bed secure support accommodation home and a 32 bed extra care home for dementia sufferers with associated staff and community facilities. Consultation with Midlothian Council's Social Work Department and Stirling University Dementia Care Centre ensured the design fully compliant with best practice for people with disabilities or dementia.
Alex Neil MSP
Cabinet secretary for Health and Wellbeing
At a Glance
Location Penicuik, Midlothian
Client Midlothian Council
Contract value £8.1m
Status Completed
Urban Response
The built form relates in scale and character to the adjacent buildings following the existing pedestrian and vehicular routes within the urban realm. The internal layout of the Care Unit clearly identifies private and secure spaces for tenants, with the Community facilities acting as a pivot between these zones.
Gas fired combined heat and power plant for care facility and home for young people. Silver standard energy class achieved. Highly insulated external fabric, solar panels and efficient combi boilers for family homes.
Find out more about our sustainable approach to energy efficient buildings.
Place Making
Designed around two large amenity spaces for both family housing and the extra care facility, the site layout clearly defines public and private places connecting to existing networks through the site. The holistic approach to the care unit secure garden provides varying areas for the physical and well being of tenants.
The strategic location of the community facilities within the care home promotes positive and welcoming interaction between the residents and the local community while retaining privacy for the tenants.
Awards for the Extra Care Facility
Scottish Home Awards
Finalist in Energy Efficiency and Design
European Responsible Housing Awards
One of the top 50 Best New Affordable Housing Developments in the UK
Saltire Society Housing Design Awards
Commendation 2017
Find out more about our other Awards.